We traveled south all night from Baily Head which we visited on the afternoon of January first It's located on the east side of the outer edge of Deception Island and has at least 500,000 Chinstrap penguins on it.

We arrived early the next morning at Danco Island and took zodiacs there by 9:30  - spending two hours taking in magnificent vistas. As I climbed up the trial I continued to turn back photographing the water  and surrounding mountains.   Out in the distance through those clouds peaked the continent.

The group hiked up a steep snow trail to an outlook where they could clearly identify it.

I attempted following but after many sinking steps in deep snow most of the way up I decided to forsake the last part of the trek and happily slid back down the steep incline.  I carefully continued down to the rocky shore - avoiding the paths of the Gentoo penguins and continued shooting along the shoreline.

The ride back to the ship was special as we circled a number of distinguished icebergs.

After lunch the ship was heading through the Gerlache Strait into the Neumayer channel with dramatic mountains greeting its passage on both sides.